Future Ready Ewha Medicine
[대학원] 2024 가을학기 대학원영어특강(언어교육원) 수강신청 안내 바로가기
[등록금] 대학원 재학생 및 신입생 등록금 납부 안내
[대학원] 2024학년도 제2학기 연구윤리 교과목 수강 안내
[기숙사] 2024학년도 1학기 의과대학 기숙사 퇴사 안내
[학부] 2024학년도 2학기 동아리 재등록 및 신규등록신청 안내
[장학금] 2024년 2학기 대학원동창회 미래인재장학금 신청 안내
[장학금] 2024-2학기 일반대학원 면학장려금(N) / 임파워링 / 이화플러스 장학금 신청 안내
[동문소식] 권소영 박사 대한적십자사 혈액관리본부장 선임 바로가기
[학교소식] 이화여대 의과대학, 에이아이트릭스와 헬스케어 산업 활성화 MOU 체결
[교수소식] 정신건강의학과교실 김선영 교수, "경계선 지능 장애 6세 이전에 진단받아야 사회 고립 안돼"
[교수소식] 산부인과학교실 김영주 교수, ‘저출산 대응’국무총리 표창 수상
[교수소식] 외과학교실 노경태교수, 다빈치 SP '대장암-간 전이암' 동시수술 성공
[교수소식]신경과학교실 이향운 교수, 세계뇌기능매핑학회 여성특별활동위원장 취임
[교수소식] 환경의학교실 하은희 교수 연구팀 "여아 초경 빨라져...대기오염이 원인"
The Graduate School
Ewha Medical Supporters
Medical Research Institute
Record of 70 years of Ewha Medine
The Ewha Medical Journal
Ewha Fund
2024 Ewha Science Festival Held
2024 Ewha Science Festival Held The 2024 Ewha Science Festival was held on Monday, July 22 in the Lee Sam-bong Hall of the ECC building, providing unique hands-on scientific learning experiences for the public, including elementary, middle, and high school students. The Ewha Science Festival is a talent donation event in which science professors and students at Ewha participate under the motto of “bringing science to the public.” This year, 28 booths were established on various scientific topics, with the participation of six departments including Mathematics, Statistics, Physics, Life Sciences, and Eco Science, centered around the high-tech laboratory of Chemistry and Nano Science at the College of Natural Sciences. Professors from the said departments designed science experiments for the event, while the participating students offered hands-on learning opportunities and engaging exhibits, thereby garnering a high positive response. Visitors to the festival enjoyed the rare opportunity to develop an interest in scientific fields and satisfy their curiosity through hands-on experiences, taking part in experiments with instructions and explanations from Ewha professors and students. Centered around the “Center for Future Sustainable Molecular Design Research” at the Department of Chemistry and Nano Science, which is one of the teams selected for the “Ewha Frontier 10-10 Project” in leading research fields, this festival was organized by the Research Institute for Basic Sciences and Autonomous Priority Research Institute, BK21 Future-oriented LIFE Talent Cultivation Team, alongside the Korea Foundation for Women In Science, Engineering and Technology (WISET), and sponsored by Ewha’s College of Natural Sciences and Office of Admissions.
Ewha Research Teams Pioneer Development of Advanced Original Technologies
Ewha Research Teams Pioneer Development of Advanced Original Technologies Research teams from Ewha were selected for major projects initiated by the Korean government with the aim to support the development of advanced research and original technologies, thereby enabling universities to conduct global-level innovation research. The Fluorescence Core Imaging Center (Director Dongmin Kang) at the Department of Life Science was selected for the Research Infrastructure Advancement Project, under the Basic Science Research Capacity Enhancement Project organized by the Ministry of Education. Consequently, the Fluorescence Core Imaging Center will be installed and operated with cutting-edge research equipment and translational research on aging-related diseases will be conducted with project funding of approximately KRW 70 billion over the next five years. The research team from the Department of Life Sciences will set up advanced research equipment to systematically analyze diseases that occur during the aging process of small animals. They will also conduct translational research on aging-related diseases using an advanced in-vivo small animal molecular imaging system. Through advanced equipment such as the 7 Tesla MRI scanner and a micro-CT image analysis system, the team will obtain detailed multi-dimensional images of individual organisms, tissues, or cells using in vivo small animal molecular imaging technology. The Fluorescence Core Imaging Center was selected for the “Core-Facility Project” in 2019 and has been facilitating the co-utilization of research equipment and joint research with a focus on specialized research using optical molecular imaging technology. In 2022, the center was also selected for the “Bio Research Data Utilization Infrastructure Development Project” to operate the Bioimaging Data Curation Center, thereby taking the lead in securing national competitiveness in the science and technology sector. The joint research team led by Professor Taeyoung Choi from the Department of Physics was selected for the “2024 Leading Project for Quantum Technology Research and Development (Quantum Computing)” project. The Ewha research team will conduct joint research on the development of a 15-qubit ion trap-based universal quantum computing processor with high connectivity, in collaboration with research teams from Seoul National University, Kookmin University, and POSTECH. The team will focus on the development of a technology to perform high-reliability quantum superposition and entanglement based on the “ion qubit,” which demonstrates the highest performance among various quantum computing platforms. To this end, the team will receive a total of KRW 2.65 billion in research funding over four years until 2027. Professor Taeyoung Choi has demonstrated programmable quantum entanglement in five quantum information qubits for the first time in the world, a core achievement for the practical implementation of quantum computers. The team has conducted various research projects, having been consecutively selected for the “2019 Basic Research Laboratory Support Project” and the “2022 Follow-up Research Support Project for the Basic Research Laboratory,” as well as for the “2021 Quantum Computing Development Project” and the “2022 Quantum Technology Cooperation Project (Quantum Computing Field).”
Ewha Signs MOU with Syensqo, a Global-Leading Materials Company
Ewha Signs MOU with Syensqo, a Global-Leading Materials Company Ewha held a ceremony for signing a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with Syensqo at the auditorium of the University-Industry Collaboration Center on Wednesday, June 27, and reaffirmed their commitment to continuing university-industry cooperation. Around 150 relevant people attended this event, which was held as part of “the 10th Anniversary of Ewha-Syensqo R&I Center Ceremony,” including Ewha President Eun Mee Kim; Ilham Kadri, CEO of Syensqo; Francois Bontemps, Ambassador of Belgium to the Republic of Korea; and Minister for Trade Inkyo Cheong. Syensqo is a specialized materials company that was demerged in 2023 from Solvay, a Belgian global materials company. In 2011, the company signed a partnership with Ewha, and following the establishment of Ewha-Syensqo R&I Center (formerly Ewha-Solvay R&I Center) at the University-Industry Collaboration Center in 2014, the center has been conducting university-industry joint research in 13 areas such as battery solutions and artificial intelligence. With the signing of this MOU, Syensqo has committed to continuing the achievements of the past 10 years of university-industry collaboration and to providing over KRW 5 billion in research funding and scholarships over the next 10 years. Following the MOU signing ceremony, Ewha President Eun Mee Kim and Syensqo CEO Ilham Kadri engaged in a roundtable discussion on the topic of the importance of university-industry collaboration. This roundtable discussion was organized to explore sustainable university-industry collaboration and development measures based on the achievements from the previous 10 years of collaboration between Ewha and Syensqo, with a particular focus on fostering female professional talent in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) fields. During the discussion, CEO Ilham Kadri emphasized that universities are “game-changers” that transform industries, highlighting the significance of fostering human resources through university-industry collaboration. She also stated, “In order to better achieve innovation, it is vital to invest in human resources, and the partnership between Ewha and Syensqo is further solidifying and accelerating efforts for innovation.” President Eun Mee Kim remarked, “The strong bonds we’ve built through university-industry collaboration will lay the foundation to enhance the capabilities of the next generation of talented women in STEM fields.” The discussion also covered various topics, including strategies for fostering female talent in STEM fields and the future vision of Syensqo. As the roundtable discussion concluded, CEO Ilham Kadri expressed her hope that Ewha Womans University will go on to produce Korea’s first female Nobel Prize winner.
Ewha Frontier 10-10 Project Team from Department of Physics Hosts 1st ICQS 2024
Ewha Frontier 10-10 Project Team from Department of Physics Hosts 1st ICQS 2024 Ewha Frontier 10-10 Project Team from the Department of Physics, headed by Professor William Jo, hosted the International Conference on Quantum Simulation 2024 (ICQS 2024) from Wednesday, June 19 to Friday, June 21 at the Lee Sam-bong Hall of the ECC building. The Center for Quantum Materials Research from the Department of Physics is one of the teams selected for the Ewha Frontier 10-10 Project in leading research fields, and now conducts research in fields such as nano-optics and quantum metamaterials, renewable energy, next-generation semiconductors and intelligent devices, quantum computing, nano-bio and biophysics, condensed physics theory, and gravitational waves and quantum gravity. This conference was organized for the first time this year to bring together world-renowned scholars in quantum computing and quantum simulation to discuss the latest research achievements and future prospects, and to strengthen networking among related institutions. The opening ceremony for ICQS 2024 took place on Wednesday, June 19, at the Lee Sam-bong Hall of the ECC building. The event commenced with a welcoming speech by Eun-Ah Kim, Chair of the Organizing Committee, who is also a professor at the Department of Physics at Cornell University and an invited chair professor of the Department of Physics at Ewha Womans University. This was followed by welcoming remarks from Ewha President Eun Mee Kim and congratulatory messages from Soonchil Lee, Director of the Division of Quantum Technology at the National Research Foundation of Korea. ICQS 2024 was attended by over 200 participants, including students, researchers, professors from prestigious domestic and international universities, and senior executives from global companies, thereby demonstrating significant interest in the three-day event. Notably, leading experts in quantum computing and simulation, such as Professor Mikhail Lukin of Harvard University, Professor Steven Girvin of Yale University, Professor William Oliver of MIT, Professor Chris Monroe of Duke University, Dr. Pedram Roushan of Google, and Dr. Jay Gambetta of IBM, delivered in-depth lectures on quantum computing and quantum simulation based on various physical platforms, including superconducting qubits, ion qubits, and neutral atom qubits. The academic depth of the event was further enhanced by the participation of faculty from prestigious universities such as Tsinghua University in China and the University of Tokyo in Japan. The conference received high praise from participants for its diverse program of keynote and guest lectures, as well as poster sessions where researchers presented and discussed their work.
Invitation Event held for International Foundation for Ewha Womans University
Invitation Event held for International Foundation for Ewha Womans University Ewha Womans University hosted an invitation event for the International Foundation for Ewha Womans University (IFEWU) from Wednesday, May 29 to Friday, May 31. This event was organized to express gratitude to the IFEWU and donors, whose unwavering support has been instrumental in Ewha’s development, while also encouraging their continued interest and support to explore a relationship of mutual growth with Ewha. The visit to Ewha was attended by over 40 members of the IFEWU, including President Mary Ann Swenson, board members, and donors. Representing Ewha, President Eun Mee Kim and key officials greeted the guests and expressed gratitude alongside around 20 students who benefited from the IFEWU scholarships firsthand. The IFEWU is a nonprofit organization established in April 1970 with the aim to support Ewha by Christian organizations including the United Methodist Church, as well as alumnae based in North America and their family members. The foundation has since made significant contributions to Ewha’s development by funding various development initiatives such as improving the educational environment, sponsoring construction projects and providing scholarships. The event on Wednesday, May 29 was divided into three parts: the welcome ceremony, the Ewha Donors Wall celebration, and a campus tour. During the welcome ceremony, President Eun Mee Kim expressed her gratitude, saying, “Our gratitude goes out to the IFEWU and each and every donor for accompanying Ewha and sharing in its noble mission on its long journey of growth into a cradle of women’s education worldwide.” In the second part, the names and contributions of donors were honored on the Ewha Donors Wall. A total of 42 donors who donated more than KRW 100 million through the IFEWU had their names engraved on plaques on the Analogue Wall, along with photos and videos of each donor on display. The subsequent campus tour and the visit to Ewha Womans University Seoul Hospital on Thursday, May 30, allowed the IFEWU board members and donors to explore major campus buildings including the Welch-Ryang Auditorium and the Ewha Archives, in addition to the hospital’s medical facilities. On Friday, May 31, the guests also attended the 138th-anniversary celebration and commemorative luncheon at the Welch-Ryang Auditorium. During the anniversary speech at the luncheon, President Eun Mee Kim highlighted the vital role of the IFEWU in Ewha’s progress and presented a special plaque of appreciation. IFEWU President Mary Ann Swenson shared her sentiments by remarking, “It is an honor to be part of Ewha’s incredible journey from opening its doors to a single student 138 years ago to becoming a world-renowned university today.” She added, “I hope that Ewha will continue to provide new opportunities and possibilities to countless women around the world.”
Department of Chemistry & Nanoscience Consecutively Selected for Government-funded Projects
Department of Chemistry & Nanoscience Consecutively Selected for Government-funded Projects Research teams from the Department of Chemistry and Nanoscience were consecutively selected for government-funded projects, showcasing their excellent research capabilities. Professor Juyoung Yoon from the Department of Chemistry and Nanoscience was selected for the Nano and Material Technology Development project (pioneering) by the Ministry of Science and ICT. His project will focus on non-pharmacological human-derived nanotherapeutic technology for refractory cancer treatment, aiming to develop magnetic and ultrasound-targeted nanotherapeutics for synergistic non-pharmacological immunotherapy against refractory cancer. This research team, led by Ewha Womans University with the participation of partner institutions such as Korea University, Yonsei University, the Korea Institute of Science and Technology (KIST), and the Korea Institute of Materials Science (KIMS), will receive a total of KRW 4.8 billion in research funding over four years and nine months (three years + two years). The research team consisting of five institutions will conduct research aimed at developing safe nanotherapeutics through the reversible binding of human-derived materials and creating materials for non-pharmacological anticancer effects using magnetic/ultrasound physical targeting to treat fibrotic refractory cancers. Professor Sun-Shin Cha from the Department of Chemistry and Nanoscience was selected for the Bio-Medical Technology Development project operated by the Ministry of Science and ICT. He will receive approximately KRW 2.6 billion in funding until 2028 to develop original technology for retrobiosynthesis with the aim of designing and producing next-generation therapeutic candidates. The Ewha research team, in collaboration with teams from Seoul National University (the lead research institution), KAIST, Inha University, Konkuk University, and Kangwon National University, will select six bioactive target compounds with different mechanisms of action, and use retrobiosynthesis technology to attempt the structural diversification of new derivatives. The Ewha research team will study the mechanisms of bioactive secondary metabolites derived from microorganisms and plants by structure-based elucidation of the interactions between target proteins and new therapeutic candidate compounds with the ultimate goal of developing new therapeutic candidates that exhibit optimal activity and minimal toxicity, surpassing the efficacy of the original compounds. Meanwhile, the Center for Hybrid Interfacial Chemical Structure, led by Professor So-Jung Park from the Department of Chemistry and Nanoscience, was recently selected for a follow-up project under the 2024 Support Program for Global Leading Research Center by the National Research Foundation of Korea. Established to study interfacial phenomena in chemical materials, the center has been conducting research on chemical and electronic structural interactions in hybrid compound interfaces since its designation as a Leading Research Center supported by the Ministry of Science and ICT and the National Research Foundation of Korea in 2017. Through this follow-up project, the center plans to enhance the complexity of chemical materials and develop meta-properties rarely seen in nature. The Center for Future Sustainable Molecular Design Research at the Department of Chemistry and Nanoscience was selected for the “Ewha Frontier 10-10 Project” in leading research fields aimed at fostering a creative research ecosystem. The center focuses on developing advanced materials and nano-molecular science in the energy, environment, and bio-health sectors. To this end, the center conducts joint research systematically with world-renowned scholars to develop essential original technologies for a sustainable future society and leads key research areas that ensure the nation’s future competitiveness, thereby establishing itself as a world-class research group.
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