


1. Graduation Requirements
졸업이수학점교양이수학점, 전공이수학점, 졸업에 필요한 학점 계로 이루어진 졸업이수학점을 나타내는 표
Required credits for general education Required credits for major

Credits required for graduation

Introductory general education Core general education

Introductory major


Core Major

Double Major

12 12 -  63 54 132
2. Introductory general education completion
기초교양과목학년, 학수번호, 교과목명, 학점, 시간, 비고로 이루어진 기초교양과목을 나타내는 표

Course No.

Course Title
1 10023

Christian and the World

3 3
11352 Integrative Thinking and Writing
3 3  
10098 College English
3 3  
- - [Computational and Mathematical Thinking] (select1)

3. Major Credit Requirements

Students taking up a double major outside the department must complete at least 54 credits from the following courses. For students who do not take up a double major, one must complete at least 63 credits.

전공과목 이수안내학년, 학기, 학수번호, 교과목명, 학점, 시간, 비고로 이루어진 전공과목 이수안내를 나타내는 표
Course No.
Course Title
1  1  38050

Clothing Industry and Fashion

3 3
33557 Fashion Color and Expression
3 3
33558 Understanding Textiles
3 3
2 33472 Fashion and Culture
3 3
33820 Fashion Practical Terms and Flat Sketch
3 3
35378 Pattern Design
3 3

1  33817 Style Drawing
3 3
35379 Tailoring
3 3
35381 Fashion CAD
3 3
22644 History of Fashion
3 3
33829 Planning for Fashion Contents
3 3

35380 Draping
3 3
33818 Dyeing and Finishing for Development of Fashionable Textile Materials
3 3
38152 Creative and Integrated Thinking and Design
3 3
33819 Textile Fashion Design
3 3
39271 Fashion Design Ideation
3 3
35382 Fashion Marketing
3 3
22662 Fashion Psychology & Consumer Behavior
3 3
3 1 33824  Characterization and Performance Testing of Textiles
3 3
35384  Creative Draping
3 3
22652  Fashion Retail Merchandising
3 3
33142 Culture of Korean Costume
3 3
39272 Fashion Industry and Trend
3 3
2 33822 Design of Korean Traditional Costume
3 3
22656 Technical Design
3 3
39273 Textile Fabrication
3 3
36163 Fashion Project Ⅰ(Capstone Design)
3 3
38051 Advanced Project in Fashion Industry Ⅰ
3 3
1,2 38348 Fashion Business Internship Ⅰ
1 -
38349 Fashion Business Internship Ⅱ
2 -
4 1 36161 Visual Merchandising
3 3

Fashion Business Start-up Practice

3 3
38155 Fashion Project Ⅱ(Capstone Design)
3 3
33827 Convergence fashion product design(Capstone Design)
3 3
38153 Advanced Project in Fashion Industry Ⅱ
3 3
37768 Fashion Business Internship Ⅲ
3 -
37772 Apparel Business Internship Ⅰ
6 -
2 35584 IT Based Clothing Planning
3 3
38157 Global Fashion Business
3 3
39258 Apparel Industry & Entrepreneurship Practice
3 3
36164 Technology in Fashion Industry
3 3
38158 Fashion convergence project(Capstone Design)
3 3

Apparel Business Internship Ⅱ

6 -
3 1 36970 Methods of Education for Clothing
3 3 Teaching
2 36971 Material Development & Teaching Methods for Clothing
3 3 Teaching
4 1 37023 Logic and statement of clothes
2 2 Teaching
Summer/Winter Session
38284 Global Convergence Culture Research
2 -
37474 Global Internship at the Fashion Industry
3 -
37818 Global fashion strategy research
3 3
Bachelor & Master's Accelerated Degree Program Course List
4 1,2 G11257 Global Sourcing & Apparel Retail Seminar
3 3
G11340 Garment Production Ⅰ
3 3
G11134 Textile Material Fabrication Ⅰ
3 3
G11432 Planning & Development of Fashion Design
3 3
G11225 Special Topics in the History of Korean Costume
3 3

Only up to 6 credits are allowed for courses recognized by other majors (departments)

※Only up to 12 credits from Bachelor’s & Master’s degree accelerated programs are allowed.

4. Other Majors (Departments)

※ 타전공(학과)인정 교과목은 최대 6학점까지만 전공학점으로 인정함.

전공과목 이수안내학년, 학기, 학수번호, 교과목명, 학점, 시간, 비고로 이루어진 전공과목 이수안내를 나타내는 표
Course No.
Course Title
1 1 37987 건강웰니스과학의이해 3 3 보건
39274 Hospitality Management 3 3 국제사무
2 37999 뉴미디어테크놀로지입문 3 3 융합콘텐츠
37956 인체의이해와웰니스 3 3 체육과학부
1,2 34617 비즈니스컴퓨팅 3 3 국제사무
2 1 36093 퓨쳐푸드신소재와건강산업 3 3 식영
3 1 37978 서비스경영 3 3 식영
37986 e-헬스케어 3 3 보건
2 37998 미디어와문화산업 3 3 융합콘텐츠
4 1 37969 스포츠와빅데이터 3 3 글로벌스포츠산업
2 38717 비즈니스의사결정을위한빅데이터와데이터시각화 3 3 국제사무

Mandatory English Courses: Students are required to complete at least 9 credits from English Courses.


1. Graduation Requirements
졸업이수학점교양이수학점, 전공이수학점, 졸업에 필요한 학점으로 이루어진 졸업이수학점을 나타내는 표
Required credits for general education
Required credits for major
Credits required for graduation
Introductory general education
Core general education
Core Major
Double Major
12 12 - 66 54 135

2. Introductory general education completion
기초교양과목학년, 학수번호, 교과목명, 학점, 시간, 비고로 이루어진 기초교양과목을 나타내는 표
Course No.
Course Title
1 10023 Christian and the World
3 3
11352 Integrative Thinking and Writing
3 3  
10098 College English
3 3  
- - [Computational and Mathematical Thinking] (select1)

3. Major Credit Requirements

Students taking up a double major outside the department must complete at least 54 credits from the following courses. For students who do not take up a double major, one must complete at least 66 credits.

전공과목 이수안내학년, 학기, 학수번호, 교과목명, 학점, 시간, 비고로 이루어진 전공과목 이수안내를 나타내는 표
Course No.
Course Title
1 1 38050

Clothing Industry and Fashion

3 3
33557 Fashion Color and Expression
3 3
33558 Understanding Textiles
3 3
2 33472 Fashion and Culture
3 3
33820 Fashion Practical Terms and Flat Sketch
3 3
35378 Pattern Design
3 3
2 1 33817 Style Drawing
3 3
35379 Tailoring
3 3
35381 Fashion CAD
3 3
22644 History of Fashion
3 3
33829 Planning for Fashion Contents
3 3
2 35380 Draping
3 3
33818 Dyeing and Finishing for  Development of Fashionable Textile Materials
3 3
38152 Creative and Integrated Thinking and Design
3 3
33819 Textile Design and CAD
3 3
33582 Fashion Marketing
3 3
22662 Fashion Psychology & Consumer Behavior
3 3
36574 Fashion Illustration
3 3
3 1 33824 Characterization and Performance Testing of Textiles
3 3
35384 Creative Draping
3 3
22639 Fashion and Aesthetics
3 3
22652 Fashion Retail Merchandising
3 3
33142 Culture of Korean Costume
3 3
2 33822 Design of Korean Traditional Costume
3 3
35630 Sustainable Fashion Habit
3 3
22656 Technical Design
3 3
36163 Fashion ProjectI(Capstone Design)
3 3
38051 Advanced Project in Fashion Industry I
3 -
1,2 38348 Fashion Business Internship I
1 -
38349 Fashion Business Internship II
2 -
4 1 36161 Visual Merchandising
3 3
38156 Fashion Business Start-up Practice
3 3
38155 Fashion ProjectⅡ(Capstone Design)
3 3
33827 Convergence fashion product design(Capstone Design)
3 3
38153 Advanced Project in Fashion Industry II
3 3
37768 Fashion Business Internship III
3 -
37772 Apparel Business Internship I
6 -
2 35584 IT Based Clothing Production Planning
3 3
38157 Global Fashion Business
3 3
39258 Apparel Industry & Entrepreneurship Practice
3 3
36164 Technology in Fashion Industry
3 3
38158 Fashion Convergence Project (Capstone Design)
3 3
37769 Apparel Industry Internship Ⅱ
3 -
37773 Apparel Business Internship Ⅱ
6 -
3 1 36970 Methods of Education for Clothing
3 3 Teaching
2 36971 Material Development & Teaching Methods for Clothing
3 3 Teaching
4 1 37023 Logic and statement of clothes
2 2 Teaching

Summer/Winter Session
37770 Apparel Industry Internship Ⅲ
1.5 -
37771 Apparel Industry Internship Ⅳ
1.5 -

Global Convergence Culture Experience & Design Research

2 -
37474 Global Internship at the Fashion Industry
3 -
37818 Global fashion field placement & Brand strategy research
3 3
35776 Fashion StudioⅠ
3 4.5
35777 Fashion StudioⅡ
3 4.5
Bachelor & Master's Accelerated Degree Program Course List
4 1,2 G11257 Global Sourcing & Apparel Retail Seminar
3 3
G11340 Garment Production Ⅰ
3 3
G11134 Textile Material Fabrication Ⅰ
3 3
G11432 Planning & Development of Fashion Design
3 3
G11225 Special Topics in the History of Korean Costume
3 3

※Only up to 6 credits are allowed for courses recognized by other majors (departments)

※Only up to 12 credits from Bachelor’s & Master’s degree accelerated programs are allowed.

4. Other Majors (Departments)

※ 타전공(학과)인정 교과목은 최대 6학점까지만 전공학점으로 인정함.

전공과목 이수안내학년, 학기, 학수번호, 교과목명, 학점, 시간, 비고로 이루어진 전공과목 이수안내를 나타내는 표
Course No.
Course Title
1 1 37987 건강웰니스과학의이해 3 3 보건
39274 1Hospitality Management 3 3 국제사무 (신설)
2 37999 뉴미디어테크놀로지입문 3 3 융합콘텐츠
37956 인체의이해와웰니스 3 3 체육과학부
1,2 34617 비즈니스컴퓨팅 3 3 국제사무
2 1 36093 기능성식품과미디어정보(캡스톤디자인) 3 3 식영
37986 e-헬스케어 3 3 보건
3 1 37998 미디어와문화산업 3 3 융합콘텐츠
37978 서비스경영 3 3 식영
2 38717 비즈니스의사결정을위한빅데이터와데이터시각화 3 3 국제사무
4 1 37969 스포츠와빅데이터 3 3 글로벌스포츠산업

Mandatory English Courses: Students are required to complete at least 9 credits from English Courses.