학수번호 | 학기 | 교과목명 |
G11772 | 1 | 아동발달세미나(Special Topics in Child Development) |
G11773 | 1 | 기초사회통계(Introduction to Social Statistics) |
G11775 | 1 | 아동가족연구방법론 (Research Methods in Child & Family Studies) |
G11776 | 1 | 발달진단 및 심리평가 (Developmental Diagnosis and Psychological Assessment) |
G11777 | 1 | 청소년 문제 및 지도(Behavioral Problems and Guidance of Adolescents) |
G11780 | 2 | 또래관계세미나(Seminar in Peer Relationships in Child Development) |
G11781 | 1 | 부모-자녀관계(Parent-Child Relationships) |
G11782 | 1 | 아동상담 이론(Theories of Child Counseling) |
G11784 | 1 | 부모교육 실습(Practicum in Parent Education) |
G11786 | 1 | 영유아보육시설 운영과 관리(Administration and Organization of Child Care Programs) |
G11787 | 1 | 개별연구|(Independence Study|) |
G11789 | 2 | 아동발달이론(Theories of Child Development) |
G11790 | 2 | 고급사회통계(Advanced Social Statistics) |
G11793 | 2 | 놀이치료 실습 및 슈퍼비전(Play Therapy Praticum and Supervision) |
G11794 | 2 | 질적 연구방법(Qualitative Research Methods in Child Studies) |
G11795 | 2 | 사회정서발달(Social and EmotionalDevelopment) |
G11796 | 2 | 언어인지발달(Language-Cognitive Development) |
G11797 | 2 | 영유아프로그램 개발과 평가(Development & Evaluation of Child Daycare Programs) |
G11799 | 2 | 아동 및 가족 정책(Child & Family Policy) |
G11801 | 2 | 인턴십(Internship in Child Development & Intervention) |
G11803 | 2 | 아동발달과 문화(Child Development in Cultural and Contextual Perspectives) |
G11804 | 2 | 개별연구 Ⅱ (Independence Study Ⅱ ) |
G16126 | 1 | 인지행동치료 (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy) |
G16128 | 1 | 가족·사회 환경과 아동발달 (Family & Community Influences on Child Development) |
G16129 | 2 | 학습치료 (Learning Therapy) |
G16130 | 2 | 아동관찰 연구방법 (Observational Research with Young Children) |
G16230 | 2 | 가족 스트레스와 대처(Family Stress and Coping) |
G17333 | 1 | 가족상담(Family Therapy) |
G17375 | 2 | 고급가족이론(Advanced Family Theories) |
G17606 | 2 | 미술치료 이론 및 실제(Theory and Practice of Art Therapy) |
G17922 | 1/2 | 놀이치료 관찰 및 실습(Play Therapy Observation and Practicum) |
G18639 |
1/2 |
가족생활교육과 창업(Family Life Education and Startup) |
G18783 | 1 | 발달정신병리학(Developmental Psychopathology) |
G11771* |
1 |
고급아동발달(Advanced Child Development) |
G11774* |
1 |
놀이치료(Play Therapy) |
G11788* | 2 | 영유아발달 및 지도(Guidance of Young Children) |
G11798* | 2 | 청소년프로그램 연구(Studies on Programs for Adolescents) |
G11800* | 2 | 부모교육프로그램 연구(Studies on Parent Education Programs) |
G17921* | 1/2 | 장애아동의 이해(Understanding of Children with Special Needs) |
*학석사 연계과정 교과목
학수번호 | 학기 | 교과목명 |
G11772 | 1 | 아동발달세미나(Special Topics in Child Development) |
G11773 | 1 | 기초사회통계(Introduction to Social Statistics) |
G11775 | 1 | 아동가족연구방법론(Research Methods in Child & Family Studies) |
G11776 | 1 | 발달진단 및 심리평가(Developmental Diagnosis and Psychological Assessment) |
G11777 | 1 | 청소년 문제 및 지도(Behavioral Problems and Guidance of Adolescents) |
G11780 | 2 | 또래관계세미나(Seminar in Peer Relationships in Child Development) |
G11781 | 1 | 부모-자녀관계(Parent-Child Relationships) |
G11782 | 1 | 아동상담 이론 (Theories of Child Counseling) |
G11784 | 1 | 부모교육 실습(Practicum in Parent Education) |
G11786 | 1 | 영유아보육시설 운영과 관리(Administration and Organization of Child Care Programs) |
G11787 | 1 | 개별연구|(Independence Study|) |
G11789 | 2 | 아동발달이론(Theories of Child Development) |
G11790 | 2 | 고급사회통계(Advanced Social Statistics) |
G11793 | 2 | 놀이치료 실습 및 슈퍼비전(Play Therapy Praticum and Supervision) |
G11794 | 2 | 질적 연구방법(Qualitative Research Methods in Child Studies) |
G11795 | 2 | 사회정서발달(Social and EmotionalDevelopment) |
G11796 | 2 | 언어인지발달(Language-Cognitive Development) |
G11797 | 2 | 영유아프로그램 개발과 평가(Development & Evaluation of Child Daycare Programs) |
G11799 | 2 | 아동 및 가족 정책(Child & Family Policy) |
G11801 | 2 | 인턴십(Internship in Child Development & Intervention) |
G11803 | 2 | 아동발달과 문화(Child Development in Cultural and Contextual Perspectives) |
G11804 | 2 | 개별연구 Ⅱ (Independence Study Ⅱ ) |
G16126 | 1 | 인지행동치료 (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy) |
G16128 | 1 | 가족·사회 환경과 아동발달 (Family & Community Influences on Child Development) |
G16129 | 2 | 학습치료 (Learning Therapy) |
G16130 | 2 | 아동관찰 연구방법 (Observational Research with Young Children) |
G16230 | 2 | 가족 스트레스와 대처(Family Stress and Coping) |
G17333 | 1 | 가족상담(Family Therapy) |
G17375 | 2 | 고급가족이론(Advanced Family Theories) |
G17606 | 2 | 미술치료 이론 및 실제(Theory and Practice of Art Therapy) |
G17922 | 1/2 | 놀이치료 관찰 및 실습(Play Therapy Observation and Practicum) |
G11771* | 1 | 고급아동발달(Advanced Child Development) |
G11774* | 1 | 놀이치료(Play Therapy) |
G11778* | 1 | 가족발달 (Individual and Family Development) |
G11788* | 2 | 영유아발달 및 지도(Guidance of Young Children) |
G11798* | 2 | 청소년프로그램 연구(Studies on Programs for Adolescents) |
G11800* | 2 | 부모교육프로그램 연구(Studies on Parent Education Programs) |
G17921* | 1/2 | 장애아동의 이해(Understanding of Children with Special Needs) |
*학석사 연계과정 교과목