The Chemistry and Nano Science major establishes strong fundamentals in the basic sciences, helping students to study and engage with modern topics ranging from cutting edge science and technology, environmental science, alternative energy, and human welfare. Our program provides complete academic training of an international standard to the students, preparing them to become leading, well-rounded, and globally-competitive professionals in all sectors of society.
Our educational mission is to develop world-class, female leaders in the natural sciences, capable of making an impact to society. Through basic training in fundamental and applied chemistry we develop the following four qualities, considered essential to achieving our goal.
Our graduates are highly sought in all sectors of society, including industry, academia, and government laboratories and institutes. Many students pursue their academic passion by enrolling in graduate school to engage in cutting-edge research. Others career paths include positions in corporate or government laboratories, schools, and industry. A number of students also find international opportunities in universities and laboratories outside of Korea. The following list describes other possible career opportunities in chemistry and nano science.