[Academic Event] The 7th Ewha-Yale Conference Connected Things in and beyond Asia: Mixing Things Up for New Eco-Techne
The 7th Ewha-Yale Conference
Connected Things in and beyond Asia: Mixing Things Up for New Eco-Techne
May 26, 2023 Friday
Ewha Womans University Museum
Hosted By:
Ewha Institute for the Humanities, Ewha Womans University (EIH)
Council on East Asian Studies, Yale University (CEAS)
Korea Culture Research Institute, Ewha Womans University
Project Team for Research and Education in Global and Regional History, Ewha Womans University
Registration: 9:30-9:50
Opening Session: 9:50-10:40 (Chair: Youn-mi Kim, Ewha)
Opening Remarks
Jinhee Kim, Director (EIH)
Hwansoo Kim, Director (CEAS)
Keynote Lecture:
Laurel Kendall (American Museum of Natural History/Columbia University) and Ni Wayan Pasek Ariati (School for International Training program for Indonesia), A Balinese Temple Mask—Connecting and Mixing Up
Break 10:40-11:00
Session 1: 11:00-12:30
Added Layers and Hues (Chair: Injoong Kim, CEAS)
Mira Kim (Ewha), Japanese Scarlet in Full Bloom on Royal Handcraft of Late Chosŏn Dynasty
Denise Leidy (Yale), Clay and Glass in East and West Asia, 6th – 12th Century
Hyojeong Yoon (Ewha), The Popularity of Fish and Seaweed Motifs of Blue-and-White Porcelain in the Yuan Dynasty and Its Transmission to Joseon and Vietnam
Discussant: Jungeun Lee (Hankuk Univ. of Foreign Studies)
Lunch 12:30-2:00
Session 2: 2:00-3:30
Shifting and Reshaping Boundaries (Chair: Kathy Rupp, CEAS)
Erik Harms (Yale), Shadows of Saigon: How to Be Cool in a Hot City
Hyon Ju Lee (Ewha), The Mobility of Foot-and-Mouth Disease Virus, Imported Smallpox Vaccine, and American Society in the Early Twentieth-Century
Eilin Rafael Perez (Yale), Envisaging Koreas: Historicizing Projections of Progress across Cold War Divides
Discussant: Jongho KIm (Sogang Univ.)
Break 3:30-4:00
Session 3: 4:00-5:30
Knowledgeable Things, Multispecies Realities (Chair: Richard Sosa, CEAS)
Kuang Chi Hung (National Taiwan University), Acacia confusa and Taiwanese Society: A Multispecies History
Jung Lee (EIH), Housed Cranes and Migrating Things in late Chosŏn Korea: Things Connecting "Early Modern" Knowledge Transformations
Sangkyu Shin (EIH), Infosphere and Human Being as Inforgs (Ewha Institute for the Humanities)
Discussant: Hanah Sung (KAIST)