H-Certification in Reading Literacy

1. H-Certification in Reading Literacy (Courses + Activities)

Courses (1 course from required courses + 2 courses from elective courses, more than 8 credits,
15 points per course and minimum 45 points) + Activities (more than 2 activities, minimum 25 points)

⇒ More than 70 points total.


Choose 1 course from Thinking and Expression ( and 3 others)
+ Choose 2 courses from Convergence Basic/Future Planning Course

Table 3. Designated Courses for H-Certification in Reading Literacy

table for Table 3. Designated Courses for H-Certification in Reading Literacy
Category Course Title Course
Course Area Credits
Required Reading Classics and Writing 11094 Thinking and Expression 2/3 HOKMA College of General Education
Dynamism in Reading and Writing 11248 Thinking and Expression 2/3 HOKMA College of General Education
Questions for History and Philosophy 11249 Thinking and Expression 2/3 HOKMA College of General Education
Cyborg and Power of Image 11250 Thinking and Expression 2/3 HOKMA College of General Education
Elective Travel Writing and World Insight 11109 Convergence General (Literature and Language) 3/3 Ewha Institute for the Humanities
Fantastic Literature 10896 Convergence General (Literature and Language) 3/3 German Language and Literature
Modern and Postmodern Culture 10769 Convergence General (History and Philosophy) 3/3 German Language and Literature
Metaphors in Philosophy 11189 Convergence General (History and Philosophy) 3/3 Ewha Institute for the Humanities
Asian Women in the Glocal Era 10914 Convergence General (Human and Society) 3/3 Women's Studies
The Encounter Between Classics and Contemporary Questions 11251 Future Planning(Arthi.en.s) 3/3 HOKMA College of General Education
Masterpiece Reading & Fine Composition Writing 10721 Future Planning(Arthi.en.s) 3/3 College of Liberal Arts/ Korean Language and Literature
Comparative Aesthetics 10898 Future Planning(Arthi.en.s) 3/3 College of Liberal Arts/Philosophy

Table 4. Approved Activities for H-Certification in Reading Literacy

table for Table 3. Designated Courses for H-Certification in Reading Literacy
Program Requirement Point Notes
Ecrire @ Ewha
(and/or other corresponding programs)
Participation 15 points
(can participate 2 times)
Activities such as reading and writing
Book Festival
(and/or other corresponding programs)
Participation and report writing 10 points
(can participate 2 times)
Participate in the lecture and discussion
Reading and Discussion Forum At least 1 year or more activities at reading forum can be approved/
*Summit the activity report of reading and discussion
20 points Student-directed activities
  • How to prepare and submit the Book-Concert reports (Download the activity report form at THE Portfolio notice board)
    • Submit to THE포트폴리오> THE학습> 비교과활동> 교내비교과신청> 나의 신청현황> 북콘서트> 등록
  • How to prepare and submit the activity reports (Download the activity report form at THE Portfolio notice board)
    • Report should include forum schedule, place, titles and authors of the books, list of participants, and discussion topics.
    • The limitation of content is less than 1/2 pages (A4) per each forum
    • Evaluation standard: Student-directed reading and discussion group activity after attending <Reading Classics and Writings> and involved in reading club activities in school can be approved. Out-of-school reading and discussion group activities and corresponding activities that have financial support from school department are excluded. (Advising professor is required for each discussion group activity)
    • H-Certification in Reading Literacy committee will evaluate the activities
    • Qualified students must fill out the application form and submit it to THE Portfolio application form.

Requirements of H-Certification in Reading Literacy (course and activities) is subject to change.