Those who have, or, expect to obtain a Bachelor's degree regardless of major from an accredited university by the matriculation date and want to pursue their career in Graduate School of TFL
See the admission guidelines for more details.
Applicants must hold a Bachelor's degree regardless of major from an accredited university or university-equivalent courses by the matriculation date.
Send these materials to The Graduate School of Teaching Foreign Languages, Ewha Womans University, B230, ECC, 52 Ewhayeodae-gil, Seodaemun-Gu, Seoul 03760, Korea.
See the admission guidelines for more details.
Refer to the Following page
If you are a prospective student and are interested in further information about applying to Ewha TESOL, TeCSOL, TKSOL, please email the Office of The Graduate School of Teaching Foreign Languages, call (02) 3277-6908, or visit the website at