The two-year Ewha TeCSOL Master’s Degree Program, one and only program in Korea, was established in 2010 for both pre-and in-service teachers of Chinese as a foreign language. Classes, some of which are taught by a professor from Peking University, meet in the evenings and are conducted entirely in Chinese. TeCSOL students have a choice to recieve dual degrees by collaborating with the School of Chinese as a Second Language, Peking University, China.
Classification | CourseNo. | Credits | Subject Contents |
Core | Y63104 | 3 | 국제중국어교재연구및지도 (TeCSOL Materials Development) |
Core | Y61102 | 3 | 제2언어습득과국제중국어교육론 (Second Language Acquisition and TeCSOL) |
Core | Y61103 | 3 | 상호문화커뮤니케이션과국제중국어교육 (Intercultural Communication for TeCSOL Teachers) |
Core | Y63109 | 3 | 국제중국어교육을위한중국어언어학 (Chinese Linguistics for TeCSOL) |
Elective (기초) |
Y61101 | 3 | 국제중국어교육론 (TeCSOL Teaching Principles) |
Elective (기초) | Y63105 | 3 | 국제중국어교실교육분석 (TeCSOL Classroom Practicum) |
Elective (기초) | Y63106 | 3 | 국제중국어교육연구방법론 (TeCSOL Research Methods) |
Elective (기초) | Y63107 | 3 | 국제중국어문법교육 (Teaching Grammar in TeCSOL) |
Elective (기초) | Y63108 | 3 | 국제중국어어휘교육 (Teaching Vocabulary in TeCSOL) |
Elective (기초) | Y63110 | 3 | 국제중국어음성학과발음교육 (Chinese Phonetics and Teaching Pronunciation in TeCSOL) |
Elective (기초) | Y63112 | 3 | 멀티미디어를활용한국제중국어교육 (TeCSOL Multimedia Materials Development) |
Elective (기초) | Y63113 | 3 | 국제중국어교수매체개발 (TeCSOL Teaching Materials Development) |
Elective (기초) | Y63114 | 3 | 국제중국어교육을위한중국문학 (Chinese Literature and TeCSOL) |
Elective (기초) | Y63120 | 3 | 중국문화지도 (Teaching of Chinese Culture) |
Elective (기초) | Y63122 | 3 | 현대언어학이론과국제중국어교육방법 (Modern Linguistics for TeCSOL) |
Elective (기초) | Y63123 | 3 | 국제중국어교사를위한발음클리닉 (Pronunciation Clinic for TeCSOL Teachers) |
Elective (기초) | Y63124 | 3 | 국제중국어교사를위한작문클리닉 (Writing Clinic for TeCSOL Teachers) |
Elective (기초) | Y63125 | 3 | 국제중국어말하기ㆍ듣기지도 (Teaching and Assessing Listening & Speaking in TeCSOL) |
Elective (기초) | Y63126 | 3 | 국제중국어읽기ㆍ쓰기지도 (Teaching and Assessing Reading & Writing in TeCSOL) |
Elective (기초) | Y63127 | 3 | 국제중국어교과과정개발 (Curriculum Development in TeCSOL) |
Elective (기초) | Y63128 | 3 | 국제중국어평가방법개발 (Evaluation Methods Development in TeCSOL) |
Elective (기초) | Y63130 | 3 | 국제중국어한자교육 (Education of Chinese characters) |
Elective (심화) | Y63223 | 3 | 국제중국어교육세미나 (Seminar in TeCSOL) |
Elective (심화) | Y63224 | 3 | 국제중국어교육자료설계및제작 (Design and Development of TeCSOL Teaching Materials) |
Elective (심화) | Y63225 | 3 | 국제중국어교육주제연구 (Special Topics in TeCSOL) |
Elective (심화) | Y63226 | 3 | 유초등국제중국어교육 (Teaching Chinese to Young Learners) |
Elective (심화) | Y63227 | 3 | 국제중국어교육실습 I (TeCSOL Practicum I) |
Elective (심화) | Y63228 | 3 | 국제중국어교육실습 II (TeCSOL Practicum II) |
Elective (심화) | Y63229 | 3 | 국제중국어교육포트폴리오워크숍 (Portfolio Workshop in TeCSOL) |
Elective (심화) | Y63230 | 3 | 문화콘텐츠를활용한국제중국어교육 (Cultural Contents Development for TeCSOL) |
Elective (심화) | Y63231 | 3 | 한중언어대조연구 (Comparative Analysis of Korean and Chinese) |