Master's Degree Program


Department of TeCSOL: Teaching Chinese to Speakers of Other Languages

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The two-year Ewha TeCSOL Master’s Degree Program, one and only program in Korea, was established in 2010 for both pre-and in-service teachers of Chinese as a foreign language. Classes, some of which are taught by a professor from Peking University, meet in the evenings and are conducted entirely in Chinese. TeCSOL students have a choice to recieve dual degrees by collaborating with the School of Chinese as a Second Language, Peking University, China.

Educational Objectives

  • To develop curricula and teaching methods grounded in cross-cultural communications and second language acquisition theory coupled with expertise in international teacher training
  • To conduct research on Chinese language education in an international context by investigating learner needs and teaching methods both within and outside of Chinese speaking countries
  • To help teachers best meet students’ various needs by utilizing authentic materials and multimedia in a communicative context
  • To prepare Chinese language teachers for teaching kindergarten, primary, middle and high school students as well as adults and seniors.
  • To provide continuing education for meeting the specific needs of companies and educational institutions.

Requirements for the MA Degree

  • MA TeCSOL students are required to enroll full-time for 4 semesters and complete 36 credits of coursework. For the required portfolio project, students will demonstrate the ability to apply theory to course and materials development.


table for Curriculum
Classification CourseNo. Credits Subject Contents
Core Y63104 3 국제중국어교재연구및지도 (TeCSOL Materials Development)
Core Y61102 3 제2언어습득과국제중국어교육론 (Second Language Acquisition and TeCSOL)
Core Y61103 3 상호문화커뮤니케이션과국제중국어교육 (Intercultural Communication for TeCSOL Teachers)
Core Y63109 3 국제중국어교육을위한중국어언어학 (Chinese Linguistics for TeCSOL)
Elective (기초)
Y61101 3 국제중국어교육론 (TeCSOL Teaching Principles) 
Elective (기초) Y63105 3 국제중국어교실교육분석 (TeCSOL Classroom Practicum)
Elective (기초) Y63106 3 국제중국어교육연구방법론 (TeCSOL Research Methods)
Elective (기초) Y63107 3 국제중국어문법교육 (Teaching Grammar in TeCSOL)
Elective (기초) Y63108 3 국제중국어어휘교육 (Teaching Vocabulary in TeCSOL)
Elective (기초) Y63110 3 국제중국어음성학과발음교육 (Chinese Phonetics and Teaching Pronunciation in TeCSOL)
Elective (기초) Y63112 3 멀티미디어를활용한국제중국어교육 (TeCSOL Multimedia Materials Development)
Elective (기초) Y63113 3 국제중국어교수매체개발 (TeCSOL Teaching Materials Development)
Elective (기초) Y63114 3 국제중국어교육을위한중국문학 (Chinese Literature and TeCSOL)
Elective (기초) Y63120 3 중국문화지도 (Teaching of Chinese Culture)
Elective (기초) Y63122 3 현대언어학이론과국제중국어교육방법 (Modern Linguistics for TeCSOL)
Elective (기초) Y63123 3 국제중국어교사를위한발음클리닉 (Pronunciation Clinic for TeCSOL Teachers)
Elective (기초) Y63124 3 국제중국어교사를위한작문클리닉 (Writing Clinic for TeCSOL Teachers)
Elective (기초) Y63125 3 국제중국어말하기ㆍ듣기지도 (Teaching and Assessing Listening & Speaking in TeCSOL)
Elective (기초) Y63126 3 국제중국어읽기ㆍ쓰기지도 (Teaching and Assessing Reading & Writing in TeCSOL)
Elective (기초) Y63127 3 국제중국어교과과정개발 (Curriculum Development in TeCSOL)
Elective (기초) Y63128 3 국제중국어평가방법개발 (Evaluation Methods Development in TeCSOL)
Elective (기초) Y63130 3 국제중국어한자교육 (Education of Chinese characters)
Elective (심화) Y63223 3 국제중국어교육세미나 (Seminar in TeCSOL)
Elective (심화) Y63224 3 국제중국어교육자료설계및제작 (Design and Development of TeCSOL Teaching Materials)
Elective (심화) Y63225 3 국제중국어교육주제연구 (Special Topics in TeCSOL)
Elective (심화) Y63226 3 유초등국제중국어교육 (Teaching Chinese to Young Learners)
Elective (심화) Y63227 3 국제중국어교육실습 I (TeCSOL Practicum I)
Elective (심화) Y63228 3 국제중국어교육실습 II (TeCSOL Practicum II)
Elective (심화) Y63229 3 국제중국어교육포트폴리오워크숍 (Portfolio Workshop in TeCSOL)
Elective (심화) Y63230 3 문화콘텐츠를활용한국제중국어교육 (Cultural Contents Development for TeCSOL)
Elective (심화) Y63231 3 한중언어대조연구 (Comparative Analysis of Korean and Chinese)


Search article
  • Position  Professor of TeCSOL Dept. Chair of TeCSOL Dept.
  • Education  박사: 중국 무한 화중사범대학교 현대한어어법 전공
  • Office  ECC B241
  • Tell Number  3277-6888
  • Position  Professor of TeCSOL Dept.(중국 북경대 초빙교원)
  • Education  북경대학 문학박사
  • Office  ECC B238
  • Tell Number  3277-6887
  • Position  Professor of TeCSOL Dept.
  • Education  박사: Peking University 중국음성학 (중어중문학) 전공
  • Office  인문관 709호
  • Tell Number  3277-3567