

게시글 검색
  • Position  Professor
  • Major  Translation(Korean-French)
  • Detail Info 
    Professor Choi Mi-kyung is a Korean-French literary translator and conference interpreter. She received her B.A. and M.A. in French Language and Literature from Seoul National University. She received her Ph.D. in Contemporary Literature from the Université Paris-Sorbonne (Paris IV). She also holds her M.A. in Translation and her Ph.D. in Translation and Interpretation from L''École Supérieure d''Interprètes et de Traducteurs (ESIT), Université Sorbonne Nouvelle (Paris 3).  
    Her translations of books by Lee Seung-u and Hwang Sok-yong were published by the two leading French publishing houses: Gallimard and Seuil. Her translation of Lee Seung-u’s <i>La vie rêvée des plantes</i> became the first Korean literary work to be published in Gallimard’s Folio series. Her translation of Lee Seung-u’s <i>Ici comme ailleurs</i> was added to the Folio series. She also translated Hwang Sok-yong’s <i>Shim Chong, fille vendue</i>, which was published as a series by Seuil. 
    As a conference interpreter, she interpreted for President François Hollande of France, Korea-Senegal Summit (2015), Korea-Switzerland Summit (2014), Korea-France Prime Ministerial Summit (2013, 2011), Korea-Gabon Summit (2012, 2010), and Korea-Congo Summit (2010). She has extensive professional experience in a variety of domains including economy, industry, academics, and culture. 
    Her research interests include literary translation, translation history, and translator training. She has published a paper in <i>Meta</i> and two papers in <i>Synergie</i>. She has also published nine papers in journals accredited by the National Research Foundation of Korea. 
    She is the recipient of the Daesan Literary Award in the category of Translation (1999), Korea-France Culture Award (2005), and Korean Literature Translation Award (2012). She was awarded the Chevalier de l''Ordre des Palmes Académiques from the French government. 
    Professor Choi is interested in social justice, animal protection, and environmental issues.
  • Position  Invited Professor
  • Major  Interpretation(Korean-French)
  • Detail Info 
    1985 서울대학교 인문대 불어불문학 학사
    1988 서울대학교 대학원 불문학 석사
    1997 서울대학교 대학원 불문학 박사
    서울대, 중앙대, 아주대, 상명대 등에 출강(프랑스문학 강의).
    주요 번역서
    <적과흑>(스탕달, 열린책들)
    <열병>(르 클레지오, 문학과 지성사)
    <포르노그라피아>(곰브로비치, 민음사)
    <암고양이>(꼴레뜨, 창비)
    <아르망스>(스탕달, 시공사)
    <남자를 사랑해야한다>(마리 다리외세크, 열린책들)
    <앨라배마송>(질 르루아, 문학동네)
    <시작은 키스>(다비드 포앙키노스, 문학동네)
    <페르소나>(그웨나엘 오브리, 열린책들)
    <오시리스의 신비>(크리스티앙 자크, 문학동네)
    <여성과 성스러움>(카트린 클레망&줄리아 크리스테바, 문학동네)
    <뽀뽀상자>(파울로 코엘료 외, 문학동네)
    <볼티모어의 서>(조엘 디케르, 밝은세상)
    <세갈래 길>(래티샤 콜롱바니, 밝은세상)
    그 외 다수의 역서가 있다.