College History

The College of Pharmacy consists of the Department of Pharmacy, which was founded in 1945 in Hanglimwon, Ewha Womans University and the Department of Pharmaceutics, which was newly established in 1967.
Building on its sixty-year history, the Ewha College of Pharmacy has pioneered in education in the fields of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutics.
The College of Pharmacy introduced the undeclared major system in 1996 to realize a more forward-looking educational philosophy. Under the new framework, students were able to choose between the Department of Pharmacy and the Department of Pharmaceutics, which was later merged into the Department of Pharmacy in 2005.
By February 2015, more than 8,000 graduates had earned their Bachelor`s Degree in Pharmacy, making the ranks of Ewha College of Pharmacy alumni the largest among the country. Today, our proud alumni actively contribute to the development of their alma mater form their various places in Korean society.