Mission & Vision

Misstion 약학인재의 전문성 강화교육,다학제간 융합역량 강화를 ㅗㅇ한 국민보건 의료환경 증진 및 글로벌 바이오헬스산업 성장에의 기여

College of Pharmacy, Ehwa Womans University


Supporting excellence in innovative education, convergence research and systematic pharmacy practice to foster global convergence-type professional pharmacy leaders who will pioneer the future

Specific educational goals for vision achievement

  1. Develop talented pharmacists with basic medicinal knowledge and development skills
  2. Develop pharmacists who can ensure the effectiveness of medicine and prioritize patient-centered values
  3. Foster creative pharmaceutical researchers to develop data-based drug improvement and to lead the global bio-health industry
  4. Foster leaders who have a sense of social responsibility and ethics and practice continuous self-powered development


Contributing to the growth of the global bio-health industry and the promotion of national health and medical environment by strengthening the expertise of talented pharmacist and the convergence capabilities among multidisciplinary education.