Mails & Parcels

▶ Mails and Parcels 
- Mails will be delivered to each mailbox on lobby floors
- Registered mails should be taken by residents from the office

- Parcel should be taken by residents themselves from the Parcel Room

  [ Parcel Room ]

   I-House : B2F of Bldg. A, B 

   E-House : B2F of Bldg. 203, 204 / B2F Bldg. 301 

   Hanwoori House : 1F of Bldg. 101 

※ Make sure to inform correct address and cellphone numbers when ordering
(ex. Kim Ewha, cellphone no.: 010-1234-5678. Room ### Bldg. ###, E-House, Ewha Womans University, 52, Ewhayeodae-gil, Seodaemun-gu, Seoul (03760) Republic of Korea

- Abandoned mail in the mailbox must be returned or will be disposed

  ※ When move-out, please change the address

- Sending domestic & international mails and packages : on-campus Post Office (ext. 4915 / Human Ecology Building)