Emergency Procedure

✔ Fire- fighting Equipments within the Dormitory

- Fire extinguishers are located in hallways and major corners of the public area
- Automatic sprinklers will be activated if fire breaks out
- Map of emergency exit posted inside the room door must be confirmed.

  In case of fire, leave the building as quickly as possible through the staircase, following the green exit signs
- The safety equipment(manual lift) installed at the end of the corridor

   on the third floor and higher are available for fire evacuation
- Residents should attend fire safety drills for safe dormitory life

✔ Fire Emergency Response

- If you find a fire, alert people in the area to evacuate
- Activate the nearest fire alarm
- If you can use a fire extinguisher, use it to extinguish a small fires
- Call Safety Supervision Center(ext. 5000/02-3277-5000) and Security Office to inform the location and details
- Call 119 if the situation gets worse and uncontrollable

- Walk to the nearest fire exit and evacuate via the nearest staircase to ground level exit.

   Please remember more than 2 nearest fire exits for your safety
- Smoke tends to go up, so bend down and protect yourself with wet towels to avoid smoke and fumes
- If you cannot evacuate via ground level exit, please go to the rooftop of the building
- Never use elevators. Elevators are tied to the fire detection system and are not available once the alarm sounds

- Do not smoke in the building including toilet, lounge, balcony, etc.
- Devices not in use must be plugged off
- Possession or usage of electrical heating appliances, any flammable and hazardous materials are strictly

   prohibited in dormitory
- Possession or usage of substandard electrical devices are strictly prohibited

   (「전」 「검」 「KS」 mark required)
- Learn the general principles of using the fire extinguisher