
이화여자대학교 대학원장 한유경

Director of Ewha Dormitory, 

Soyeon Chung

(Professor at the Department of

 Korean Language Education)

Welcome to the Ewha Dormitory.

It is a great pleasure to meet you as a dormitory family member.

I hope the dormitory to become a happy haven for the you, where residents could 

grow as global citizens by practicing Christian values and training in communal living 

with various friends.

Ewha Dormitory, originally built in traditional Hanok style, is the first female dormitory 

in Korea. Currently, it consists of E-House, Hanwoori House, and I-House.

E-House is an eco-friendly, suite-style dormitory for freshmen and graduate students. 

While living in E-House, I hope you to cultivate the community spirit and grow to 

become worldwide leaders by learning cooperation, consideration, communication 

and solidarity skills.

Hanwoori House, which means “grand family house” in Korean, is for sophomore, junior, and senior undergraduates, as well as law school students. 

Under the pleasant view of Ansan and Namsan, I wish you to find comfort and may follow your dreams while sharing affection towards one another.

I-House as it consists of exchange & international students, professors, language trainees, and researchers, is where Ewha's small globalization is taking place. Here you can find the foundation for future-oriented globalization.

Ewha's dormitory will be a place to expand the breadth of your experiences, and we hope that this experience will serve as a steppingstone for planning your future.

As the head of the dormitory, I will do my best to minimize any discomfort that you may feel while staying in the dormitory. Also, I will try to create a peaceful and happy environment where you would be able to build pleasant memories. 

I wish you a healthy and peaceful school life. Thank you.