Public Transportation


  • Subway line: Green line (line #2)
  • Subway stop: Ewha Womans University Station (이대역)
  • After getting out from either exit 2 or 3 of Ewha Womans University Station, continue to walk straight for about 300 meters (5 minutes) until reaching the main gate of Ewha.


- Buses stopping at Ewha Womans University Station (이대역, station number 13-025)
이대역 (정류장번호 13-025)정류장 하차 노선
Red Bus 1000, 1004, 1100, 1101, 1200, 1300, 1301, 1302, 1601, 1800
Blue Bus 171, 172, 270, 271, 273, 472, 602, 603, 700, 707, 721, 751
Green Bus 7011, 7611
Airport Bus 6002
- Buses stopping at Shinchon Train Station (신촌기차역, station number 13-210)
이대역 (정류장번호 13-025)정류장 하차 노선
Blue Bus 153, 171, 172, 173, 482, 751, 674
Red Bus 7017, 7024, 7713
- Buses stopping at Ewha Back Gate (이대후문, station number 13-016)
이대역 (정류장번호 13-025)정류장 하차 노선
Red Bus M7106, M7111, M7119, 2000, G7111
Blue Bus 272, 470, 601, 606, 673, 700, 707, 710, 750A, 750B
Green Bus 6714, 7737