Dormitory Forms

Move-out Request Form

  • 기숙사 관리자

▣ 24-Fall refund available period: From August 22 to November 21

※ For more information about the refund policy, please refer to the dormitory website > Moving In/Out Guide > Move-out > ‘Refund Policy’ 

Moving out / Checking out type


Refund policy

Maintenance/Cancellation of guaranteed residential status


Moving out during the semester (A)

Moving outduringthe refund available period

Remaining residential status

to befully cancelled

Inform via email + proceed with the check-out process

Moving out during the semester (B)

Moving outafterthe refund available period

Remaining residential status

to befully cancelled

Checking out early before the official check-out date

Checking out after the refund available period and 2 weeks before the official check-out date

Remaining residential status

to be maintained

Checking out near OR on the official check-out date

Checking out on or within 2 weeks before the official check-out date

Remaining residential status

to be maintained

Proceed with the check-out process

(no need to inform via email)

※ Moving out / Checking out request must be completed no later than three days before leaving the dormitory

▣ Please copy the form below, check the contents that apply to you, fill in your information, and send it via email

□ Subject : Move-out Request(student ID/name)

□ Body :

1. Residential dormitory: □ E-House / □ Hanwoori / □ I-House

2. Student ID/Name: 

3. Phone number: 

4. Estimated check-out date(YY/MM/DD):

5. Type (choose one)

□ Moving out from the dormitory during the semester (A)

□ Moving out from the dormitory during the semester (B)

□ Checking out early before the official check-out date

6. Refund policy (only applies to type A)

□ Yes, I have entered my Korean account number in EUREKA to receive the refund

[EUREKA → Academic affairs → Student information → Personal Information → Bank Acc. Info.]

□ (Only when Bank Acc. Info cannot be entered in EUREKA) Yes, I have attached a copy of my bankbook in my name

As mentioned above, I am applying to move out/check-out from the dormitory

▣ Check-out Procedure

- Apply via email ⇨ bring the check-out list ⇨ pack & clean up the room ⇨ submit the check-out list ⇨ check-out procedure completed

※ The room inspection will be carried out after the check-out. Any remaining items, which will be disposed of, can lead to receiving demerit points