이화여자대학교 학생상담센터이화여자대학교 학생상담센터


What are some advices for writing a class paper?

  • 관리자
1) Choose a subject and a title
- Choose a subject that interest you.
- Choose a title for the paper. Make sure the title reflects the main idea of the paper.

2) Research on the subject
- Go to the library, search the Internet for resources
- Organize resources, read, and summarize

3) Write a report/paper
Usually, the paper is constructed as: introduction, body, conclusion
- Introduction: purpose of the paper, summary
- Body: research explanations and results
- Conclusion: summary of the paper, state the final results, limitations and suggestions for the future research

4) Writing style
Keep sentences simple and clear.

5) Citations
Citing sources is important part of writing.
Follow appropriate citing guidelines(different courses have different guidelines).