이화여자대학교 학생상담센터이화여자대학교 학생상담센터


I am overwhelmed by the amount of work load from the school. How can I manage my school work?

  • 관리자
Students on honor roll suggest following study skills :

1) Attend the first lecture of the course. Take a close look at the course syllabus. Carefully read the class descriptions, schedules, required texts.

2) Pay attention to the lecture. Read the class material before class, review, and take notes in class. Asking questions also helps to learn the course material.

3) Practice reading strategies such as PQ4R. Preview, Question, Read, Reflect, Recite, Review class materials.

4) Take notes in class. Writing notes involves listening, thinking, and writing. Do not try to write down everything, but try to keep notes of major points in class.